future timeline technology singularity humanity
Timeline»21st century»»

21st century


timeline contents


• Net zero progress has been mixed | • Economic power has shifted from West to East | • Nearly half of the Amazon rainforest has been deforested | • Wildfires have tripled in some regions | • Traditional wine industries have been severely altered by climate change | • Fish body size has declined by nearly a quarter | • Hi-tech, intelligent buildings are revolutionising the urban landscape | • Smaller, safer, hi-tech automobiles | • Major advances in air travel comfort | • Recreational marijuana is legal in the majority of countries | • Continent-wide supergrids provide much of the world's energy needs | • China completes the largest water diversion project in history |


• The U.S. population reaches 400 million | • An interstellar radio message arrives at Gliese 777 | • Britain holds its centennial national exhibition | • UK vehicle plates run out of numbers | • The Suburban Rail Loop is operational in Melbourne | • Launch of the X-ray Great Observatory |


• The biggest supermoon of the 21st century |


• Genetically engineered "designer babies" for the rich | • Australia becomes the first country to eliminate cervical cancer |


• Mission to interstellar object 'Oumuamua | • Rainfall intensity has increased by 20% |


• Spaceflight has taken a leap forward | • The vast majority of countries have achieved democracy | • Global population is reaching a plateau |


• Japan's population falls below 100 million |


• Collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) | • Smart clothing is a trillion-dollar industry | • Handheld MRI scanners |


• Tianwen-5 arrives at Neptune | • The Beatles' music catalogue enters the public domain | • A radio telescope is built on the Moon |


• The end of the oil age | • Mars has a permanent human presence by now |

2060-2069 »